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so mache ich ne 15mm Figur (in englisch) - Das-Bemalforum


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so mache ich ne 15mm Figur (in englisch)

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  • Tuffskull
    schon passiert...

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  • Vandred
    nice,aber verschiebs doch in die Anleitungen sektion,da ist es besser aufgehoben.

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  • Tuffskull
    hat ein Thema erstellt so mache ich ne 15mm Figur (in englisch).

    so mache ich ne 15mm Figur (in englisch)

    ist von mir für ein anderes Forum in englisch verfaßt worden und ich denke mal es müßte auch so jeder lesen können...

    basically it is not that difficult as it sounds at first. The most important part if you wanna make a charakter model orsomething like this you should choose a pose everybody would recognize...if you choose to make a normal soldier...that won`t be necesarry...but a cool pose wouldn`t be bad in this case too...

    I decided to make a claus of stauffenberg....two he held is damaged arm in a special way in the height of his belt...the hand mostly in in jacket....the other reason...he was easy to recognize because of his eye patch....

    the next step is getting some pictures of the charakter to make the uniform look right...I found some pics of the german movie about him, which is relatively new.

    now it comes to the actual sculpting process. I use following tools:

    Step one is the most boring part, because have to wait a bit....If you charakter hasn`t both legs really close should make a wire frame for his legs. If you made one in the right size just stick it in a bit of green would be on a coin, cause you can touch the coin while sculpting...then you have to wait till it is hardened....approx 4 hours.

    after that you can start making the basic shape of the miniature....this is the hardest part...if the shape isn`t right the whole miniature wouldn`t look good after you are work exact in this step.

    The first two steps should look this way:

    In my opinion the hardest work was done now...after this has dried you cann apply tons of details on it....I started doing the belt...then adding the arms, pockets, epauletts, the iron cross and finally as the last step the head....

    why the head at the end? easy...sometime it happen, that you have to touch it from the upper side during sculpting process, if the head would be there you would destroy it.

    the head beginns with a small ball, where you add the nose and the eyes, just scratch them in the soft green stuff. then you add an extra layer of gs for the hair and ears. In my special case I had to add the eye patch in the last step....

    the don`t touch it for 6 hours and a eye catcher of your army is finished....whole working time approx 2-3 hours and 8 hours waiting to dry...

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